Responsible approach in Digital Healthcare
Working tirelessly
IT-Solutions from LLC CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES’ Team of developers for Digital Healthcare optimize business processes, improve medical services quality, and lower operational costs of medical facilities
Our team consists
of 4 main groups:
who care
for Healthcare...
The OT team consists of specialists dedicated to driving digital transformation in healthcare. We are a united group of passionate individuals who thrive on challenges and believe in the power of technology.
At OT, we do more than just develop Medical information systems; we are building a healthier future for the whole society. We are proud that our work improves the lives of thousands of people!
to improve Healthcare for All
ОТ is officially recognized as a Russian software developer for healthcare industry. The company develops its own digital products and multiple partners’ projects
Ответственно Our work directly impacts people's health, so we approach our tasks with the utmost responsibility.
Экспертн We possess deep knowledge and experience in the development and implementation of medical systems.
ДоступностьWe strive to make our solutions user-friendly
and accessible to medical institutions of all levels.
Our guiding principles are:

  • Development Team
  • Support Team
  • IT Infrastructure Team
  • Management Team
Responsible approach in Digital Healthcare
Working tirelessly
IT-Solutions from LLC CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES’ Team of developers for Digital Healthcare optimize business processes, improve medical services quality, and lower operational costs of medical facilities
to improve healthcare for all
Our team consists
of 4 main groups:
Отвечая за здоровье людей в эпоху цифры
В потоке задач
IT-Решения команды разработчиков медицинских информационных систем ООО "Облачные Технологии" оптимизируют рабочие процессы, повышают качество медуслуг и снижают расходы медучреждений
Наш коллектив состоит
из 4-х основных групп:
  • Команда Разработки
  • Команда Сопровождения
  • Команда IT - Инфраструктуры
  • Команда Руководства
на здоровье...
Команда ОТ - это специалисты, которые творят цифровое преображение в сфере здравоохранения. Мы - сплоченный коллектив людей которые горят своим делом, не боятся сложных задач и верят в силу технологий. В ОТ мы не просто разрабатываем медицинские информационные системы - мы вместе строим здоровое будущее нации. Мы гордимся что наша работа улучшает жизнь тысяч людей!
Ru /
to improve Healthcare for All
ОТ входит в реестр отечественных компаний - разработчиков ПО для медицинских организаций и управляющих компаний
Ответственность: Мы осознаем, что от нашей работы зависит здоровье людей, поэтому подходим к своим задачам с полной ответственностью
Экспертность: Мы обладаем глубокими знаниями и опытом в области разработки и внедрения медицинских систем
Доступность: Мы стремимся сделать наши решения удобными и доступными для медицинских учреждений всех уровней
Наши ориентиры:
CТ is officially recognized as a Russian software developer for healthcare industry. The company develops its own digital products and multiple partners’ projects
ОтветственноOur work directly impacts people's health, so we approach our tasks with the utmost responsibility.
Our guiding principles are:
ЭкспертноWe possess deep knowledge and experience in the development and implementation of medical systems.
ДоступностьWe strive to make our solutions user-friendly and accessible to medical institutions of all levels.
who care
for Healthcare...
The OT team consists of specialists dedicated to driving digital transformation in healthcare. We are a united group of passionate individuals who thrive on challenges and believe in the power of technology.
At OT, we do more than just develop Medical information systems; we are building a healthier future for the whole society. We are proud that our work improves the lives of thousands of people!
  • Development Team
  • Support Team
  • IT Infrastructure Team
  • Management Team
Development Team
Developers: have deep knowledge and experience in the field of software development.
Analysts: are able to understand user needs and translate them into programming language.
Testers: testers ensure our systems are high-quality and easy to use. They review and test the software to identify and fix any issues.

  • Creating and launching new features for our medical platforms.
  • Keeping our systems up-to-date and running smoothly.
  • Making sure our systems always meet the latest regulations and standards.
Focus at work:

  • OT's digital products are always getting better and better.
  • Our medical management systems are top-notch.
  • Healthcare providers get user-friendly tools to make their jobs easier.
Thanks to the team's work:
Support Team

  • Resolving technical problems, including troubleshooting and system configuration.
  • User consultation, including answering questions and providing system usage guidance.
  • Providing user training through workshops, seminars, and other educational resources
Focus at work:

  • Users receive high-quality technical support.
  • Information systems operate uninterruptedly.
  • Users can maximize the capabilities of EHR systems
Thanks to the team's work:
Responsible and experienced specialists who ensure uninterrupted operation of medical systems and provide technical support to their users. Always courteous and punctual, competent and ready to assist.
IT-infrastructure Team

  • Building and managing IT infrastructure - servers, networks, data storage.
  • Ensuring information security - protecting data from unauthorized access, viruses and other threats.
  • Technical expertise - assistance in working with digital systems.
Focus at work:

  • The company's information systems operate flawlessly.
  • The company's data is securely protected.
  • The whole work process is coherent and efficient.
Thanks to the team's work:
CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES actively participates in digital transformation of today’s Healthcare with clear objective: improving the quality and accessibility of medical cervices for patients; comfortable, coordinated workflow for medical institutions.
Management Team

  • Defining the company's development strategy
  • Setting goals and objectives
  • Monitoring company performance
Focus at work:

  • Cloud technologies are rapidly advancing.
  • The company holds a strong market position.
  • Company offers its partners cutting-edge IT solutions.
Thanks to the team's work:
Heads the company and is responsible for its overall management.
Chief Executive Officer
Responsible for the development, implementation, and support of digital products and services.
Chief Technology Officer
Responsible for promoting the company's products and services in the market.
Chief Development Officer
Developing and implementing the company's strategic vision
to Victory!

At our company, we foster a culture of constructive idea exchange and close collaboration. Our work environment allows us to focus on what matters most. We value each employee and provide them with the resources they need to thrive both personally and professionally.
Working atmosphere

  • Modern office next to a beautiful park
  • Motivation and reward system
  • Mentoring and willingness to help
  • Corporate lectures and seminars
Our everyday life

Our engineers and support specialists not only excel at their jobs but also know how to have a good time. We regularly organize a variety of recreational and sporting events for our employees.
Not just work

  • Visiting theater performances, movies, and exhibitions.
  • Team-building sports activities, outdoor adventures
  • Festive corporate events Picnics, barbecues, cooking classes
  • +3000 more ideas
«Guys, they're real workaholics. Right from the first days on the job, they've shown themselves as true professionals. I mean, they don't just do their work, they're really engaged in the process. We encountered difficulties with system integration. They didn't just offer a couple of options like 'here, pick one', but thoughtfully helped us choose the one that suited us perfectly. What can I say? Well done.»

Chief physician of
Health Care Facility No. 546
Grigoriev V.P.
.......................... «Guys, they're real workaholics. Right from the first days on
.......................... the job, they've shown themselves as true professionals.
.......................... I mean, they don't just do their work, they're really engaged
.......................... in the process. We encountered difficulties with system
.......................... integration. They didn't just offer a couple of option like 'here, pick one', but thoughtfully helped us choose the one that suited us perfectly. What can I say? Well done.»

What clinic directors say:
«Implementing a new system is like performing surgery. It seems complicated - there are a lot of nuances. It evokes a sense of responsibility. It requires coordination. But much of the health of our patients depends on it: the HIS enables more accurate diagnoses (thanks to having access to complete patient information). We can track the patient's condition in real-time. Prescribe more effective treatments. The work to save lives continues...!»
Head of department of
Emergency Hospital No. 34
Legkostupova I.A.
.......................... «Implementing a new system is like performing surgery. It seems
.......................... complicated - there are a lot of nuances. It evokes a sense of
.......................... responsibility. It requires coordination. But much of the health
.......................... of our patients depends on it: the HIS enables more accurate .......................... diagnoses (thanks to having access to complete patient information). We can track the patient's condition in real-time. Prescribe more effective treatments. The work to save lives continues...!»
What clinic directors say:
«I'll be honest, at first I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about the new changes. Everything seemed to have settled into a routine. But when the clinic started using the HIS (HIS) system, my opinion changed drastically. Now, the benefits are clear - no need to spend hours filling out paperwork, you can communicate with the patient without distraction. The system is user-friendly, easy to understand. If there are any questions, the support team is always available: quick, polite, and clear.»
Doctor, State Budgetary Institution "ROCB"
Bulichenko M.G.
What doctors say:
.......................... «I'll be honest, at first I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about
.......................... the new changes. Everything seemed to have settled into
.......................... a routine. But when the clinic started using the HIS (HIS)
.......................... system, my opinion changed drastically. Now, the benefits
.......................... are clear - no need to spend hours filling out paperwork, you can communicate with the patient without distraction. The system is user-friendly, easy to understand. If there are any questions, the support team is always available: quick, polite, and clear.»
«Hello! Not long ago, we implemented a new module in our HIS. Cloud Technologies helped with its development. Surprisingly, everything went smoothly. Well, there were some hiccups, but nothing major. We implemented it, and it works. Management isn't crying over money wasted. We did it properly. We continue to update and fine-tune as needed. Everything's fine. The hospital is thriving.»
System administrator of
the State Budgetary Institution "ROCB"
Kirichenko D. V..
What system administrators say:
.......................... «Hello! Not long ago, we implemented a new module in our
.......................... HIS. Cloud Technologies helped with its development.
.......................... Surprisingly, everything went smoothly. Well, there were some
.......................... hiccups, but nothing major. We implemented it, and it works.
.......................... Management isn't crying over money wasted. We did it properly. We continue to update and fine-tune as needed. Everything's fine. The hospital is thriving.»
«As an ER technical support specialist, I'm generally pleased with everything. We've been closely collaborating with Cloud Technologies for 4 years now. They're available 24/7. They delve into issues, search for solutions, and provide expert assistance. We speak the same language. Last year, we had a seismic glitch at the center. And you know what it means for an emergency facility... But within 10 minutes, the problem was resolved. The system came back to life. We sorted it out.»
System administrator of the Federal State Budgetary Institution
Seliverstov V.P.
What system administrators say:
.......................... «As an ER technical support specialist, I'm generally pleased
.......................... with everything. We've been closely collaborating with Cloud
.......................... echnologies for 4 years now. They're available 24/7. They
.......................... delve into issues, search for solutions, and provide expert
.......................... assistance. We speak the same language. language. Last year, we had a seismic glitch at the center. And you know what it means for an emergency facility... But within 10 minutes, the problem was resolved. The system came back to life. We sorted it out.»
«At our department, the HMS IBIS has been in place for 5 years now, and it's like a well-oiled machine. All the data on expectant mothers is at our fingertips: pregnancy history, tests, ultrasounds, and so on. Document processing takes just two clicks: no paperwork, queues, or stress. All the doctors can instantly see everything about the moms and their babies. If something doesn't work out, we contact support - they help us figure it out and solve the issue. Thanks for the great work.»
Federal State Budgetary Institution Nurse
Pavlyuchenko D. P.
What nurses say:
.......................... «At our department, the HMS IBIS has been in place for 5 .......................... years now, and it's like a well-oiled machine. All the data .......................... on expectant mothers is at our fingertips: pregnancy history .......................... tests, ultrasounds, and so on. Document processing takes .......................... just two clicks: no paperwork, queues, or stress. All the doctors can instantly see everything about the moms and their babies. If something doesn't work out, we contact support - they help us figure it out and solve the issue. Thanks for the great work.»
«Seven years ago, we implemented the HIS. The result? Our medical staff walks around content. All patient data, tests, images, everything is right at hand. Fewer papers, fewer errors, fewer unnecessary expenses. I couldn’t stand before to sift through mountains of paperwork - trying to find a patient's history or hospital reports... Now, everything is right in front of me on the screen. In short, thanks to Cloud Technologies for helping in our work!»
Head of Department of health care facility No. 546
Krasilov O.M.
What clinic directors say:
.......................... «Seven years ago, we implemented the HIS. The result? Our
.......................... medical staff walks around content. All patient data, tests, .......................... images, everything is right at hand. Fewer papers, fewer errors, .......................... fewer unnecessary expenses. I couldn’t stand before to sift
.......................... through mountains of paperwork - trying to find a patient's history or hospital reports... Now, everything is right in front of me on the screen. In short, thanks to Cloud Technologies for helping in our work! »
«Once, a patient with severe depressive disorder was admitted to our department. Checking the system, I gathered all the information about her condition and past treatments. I prescribed an effective treatment. Within a few weeks, the patient felt significantly better - that's recognition for the doctors' hard work. I thank the IT team for their advanced healthcare technologies. Take care of yourselves.»
Doctor of the Psychiatric Department of the Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution
Shevchenko O.P.
What doctors say:
.......................... «Once, a patient with severe depressive disorder was admitted .......................... to our department. Checking the system, I gathered all the .......................... information about her condition and past treatments. I .......................... prescribed an effective treatment. Within a few weeks, the .......................... patient felt significantly better - that's recognition for the doctors' hard work. I thank the IT team for their advanced healthcare technologies. Take care of yourselves. »
«Here's my story for you. Recently, a well-known footballer came to our clinic for a medical examination. Let's do everything quickly... We swiftly processed all the documents, conducted all the necessary tests promptly, and issued him a certificate in the shortest time possible. The star of our football left with a smile on his face)) And we're proud of our work too. Thank you, Cloud Technologies.»
Nurse at health care facility No. 546
Karpova А.V.
What nurses say:
.......................... «Here's my story for you. Recently, a well-known footballer .......................... came to our clinic for a medical examination. Let's do
.......................... everything quickly... We swiftly processed all the .......................... documents, conducted all the necessary tests promptly,and
///////////////. issued him a certificate in the shortest time possible. The star of our football left with a smile on his face)) And we're proud of our work too. Thank you, Cloud Technologies.»
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MRI and PET can soon be replaced: what kind of development...
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IT-Solutions from LLC CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES’ Team of developers for Digital Healthcare optimize business processes, improve medical services quality, and lower operational costs of medical facilities
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