Healthcare Information Management Systems
Responsible approach in Digital Healthcare
IT-Solutions from LLC CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES’ Team of developers for Digital Healthcare optimize business processes, improve medical services quality, and lower operational costs of medical facilities
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DEVELOPMENT and implementation strategies. IT- solutions for the modern Healthcare and Medicine
years in the market of developing
agencies, management companies, sanatoriums, laboratories, pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, and emergency services
INCLUSION into current Healthcare projects.
MATURE teams of Development, Analytics, IT-infrastructure, Implementation and Support.
What digital transformation
brings into modern Healthcare:
How do many people today imagine the Healthcare system? ...chaotic process, long lines, lost cards, tired doctors, upset patients...
Imagine how the interaction of all Healthcare participants turns into a smooth process, and the work of medical institutions into well-oiled mechanisms, where everything interacts harmoniously and sounds like a beautiful symphony. As a result, the health of individuals, their families and the nation as a whole is maintained and improved.
This transformation of modern Healthcare system is possible thanks to DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION...
digital products for government
Healthcare Information Management Systems
Responsible approach in Digital Healthcare
Solutions from LLC CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES’ Team of developers for Digital Healthcare optimize business processes, improve medical services quality, and lower operational costs of medical facilities
Download a brief
DEVELOPMENT and implementation strategies. IT- solutions for the modern Healthcare and Medicine
years in the market of developing
agencies, management companies, sanatoriums, laboratories, pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, and emergency services
INCLUSION into current Healthcare projects. MATURE teams of Development, Analytics, IT-infrastructure, Implementation and Support.
What digital transformation
brings into modern Healthcare:
How do many people today imagine the Healthcare system? ...chaotic process, long lines, lost cards, tired doctors, upset patients...
Imagine how the interaction of all Healthcare participants turns into a smooth process, and the work of medical institutions into well-oiled mechanisms, where everything interacts harmoniously and sounds like a beautiful symphony. As a result, the health of individuals, their families and the nation as a whole is maintained and improved.
This transformation of modern Healthcare system is possible thanks to DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION...
Информационные системы для здравоохранения
Отвечая за здоровье людей в эпоху цифры
IT-Решения команды разработчиков медицинских информационных систем ООО "Облачные Технологии" оптимизируют рабочие процессы, повышают качество медуслуг и снижают расходы медучреждений
Скачать бриф
Стратегия разработки
и внедрения IT-решений в сфере медицины и здравоохранения
цифровых продуктов для
ведомств, управляющих компаний, санаториев, лабораторий, аптек, больниц, поликлиник, СМП
ВКЛЮЧЕНИЕ в актуальные
проекты здравоохранения.
Зрелые команды Разработки, Аналитики, ИТ-инфраструктуры, Внедрения и Сопровождения
Что приносит
в здравоохранение цифровая трансформация:
Как многие сегодня представляют себе
систему здравоохранения? ...хаотичный процесс, длинные очереди, утерянные карты, уставшие врачи, расстроенные пациенты…
Представьте как взаимодействие всех участников здравоохранения превращается в плавный процесс, а работа медучреждений в хорошо отлаженные механизмы, где всё гармонично взаимодействует и звучит как красивая симфония. В результате - поддерживается и улучшается здоровье отдельных людей, их семей и нации в целом.
Такое преображение современного здравоохранения возможно благодаря ЦИФРОВОЙ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИИ...
Ru /
digital products for government
лет на рынке разработки
лет на рынке разработки цифровых
компаний, санаториев, лабораторий, аптек, больниц, поликлиник, СМП
продуктов для ведомств, управляющих
All attention to patient needs
Improving access
to medical information
Efficient documentation and reporting process
Imagine an ER nurse instantly having access to a patient's medical history, his/her allergies, drug reactions, in the electronic medical record. Without being distracted by searching for paper documents, she can quickly make decisions and begin emergency treatment without delay.
The inpatient physician can easily make changes to the patient's treatment plan in the electronic journal, ensuring that the information is up to date for all medical staff. This prevents misunderstandings and errors in the transfer of information between doctors and nurses
Smooth coordination
and communications
Doctors of different specialties and nurses can easily exchange important information about the patient and coordinate a joint treatment strategy.
The medical system may notify you when medical procedures or medications are needed according to patient’s needs.
For example, a nurse can use a health information system to monitor medication dosage and obtain an indication of a patient's condition. When choosing a course of treatment, a doctor can use automatic treatment standards based on best practices.
Reducing risk of errors;
Increased responsibility
All attention to patient needs
All attention to patient needs
Улучшение доступа
к медицинской информации
Эффективный процесс документации и отчетности
Представьте, как медсестра скорой помощи мгновенно получает доступ к медицинской истории пациента, его/её аллергиям, реакциям на лекарства, в электронной медицинской карте.
Не отвлекаясь на поиск бумажных документов, она может быстро принимать решения и начинать неотложное лечение.
Врач в стационаре может легко внести изменения в план лечения пациента в электронном журнале, обеспечивая актуальность информации для всего медицинского персонала.
Это предотвращает недопонимание и ошибки в передаче информации между врачами и медсестрами.
Повышение координации
и коммуникации
Врачи разных профилей
и медсестры могут легко обмениваться важной информацией о пациенте
и координировать совместную стратегию лечения.
Медицинская система может уведомлять о необходимости проведения медицинских процедур или лекарственных назначений.
К примеру, медсестра может использовать медицинскую информационную систему для контроля дозировки лекарств и получать индикацию состояния пациента. Врач, при выборе курса лечения может использовать автоматические стандарты лечения, основанные на лучших практиках.
Снижение риска ошибок и повышение ответственности
Improving access
to medical information
Efficient documentation and reporting process
Imagine an ER nurse instantly having access to a patient's medical history, his/her allergies, drug reactions, in the electronic medical record. Without being distracted by searching for paper documents, she can quickly make decisions and begin emergency treatment without delay.
The inpatient physician can easily make changes to the patient's treatment plan in the electronic journal, ensuring that the information is up to date for all medical staff. This prevents misunderstandings and errors in the transfer of information between doctors and nurses
Smooth coordination
and communications
Doctors of different specialties and nurses can easily exchange important information about the patient and coordinate a joint treatment strategy.
The medical system may notify you when medical procedures or medications are needed according to patient’s needs.
For example, a nurse can use a health information system to monitor medication dosage and obtain an indication of a patient's condition. When choosing a course of treatment, a doctor can use automatic treatment standards based on best practices.
Reducing risk of errors;
Increased responsibility
Improving clinic performance
Optimization of administrative processes
Improved coordination
between institutions
Instead of wasting time manually filling out paper forms, medical staff can use electronic systems to record patient information. This frees up time to care for the patient's needs and increases the speed and efficiency of the entire medical facility.
If a patient is transferred to hospital departments, thanks to the electronic system, his data is automatically available to all departments. Loss of documents and information in them is excluded. Insurance company data is also automatically entered.
Better accuracy of diagnosis and treatment
Having access to the results of the patient’s clinical studies and images, the doctor can reasonably choose the best treatment strategy. The entire volume of accumulated data of a medical institution is analyzed by the system. Results and dynamics are recorded in reports
The administration of a medical facility can use electronic workload reports to optimally adjust appointment scheduling and equipment distribution.
This helps to better manage the work of the clinic as a whole and improves its reputation due to patients satisfaction.
Enhancement in
management decisions
Improving clinic performance
Улучшение показателей клиники
Оптимизация административных процессов
Улучшение координации
между учреждениями
Вместо того, чтобы тратить время на ручное заполнение бумажных форм, медицинский персонал может использовать электронные системы для записи информации о пациентах. Это освобождает время для заботы о нуждах пациента и повышает скорость работы всей больницы.
Например, если пациент переводится по отделениям стационара, благодаря электронной системе, его данные автоматически доступны всем отделениям. Исключается потеря документов и сведений в них. Также автоматически вносятся данные страховых компаний.
Повышение точности диагностики и лечения
Имея доступ к результатам клинических исследований пациента, снимкам врач обоснованно выбирает наилучшую стратегию лечения. Весь объем накопленных данных медучреждения анализируется системой. Результаты и динамика фиксируются в отчетах.
Администрация медучреждения может использовать электронные отчеты о загруженности для оптимальной настройки приема в расписании и распределения оборудования. Это помогает лучше управлять работой клиники в целом и поднимает ее репутацию.
управленческих решений
Optimization of administrative processes
Improved coordination
between institutions
Instead of wasting time manually filling out paper forms, medical staff can use electronic systems to record patient information. This frees up time to care for the patient's needs and increases the speed and efficiency of the entire medical facility.
If a patient is transferred to hospital departments, thanks to the electronic system, his data is automatically available to all departments. Loss of documents and information in them is excluded. Insurance company data is also automatically entered.
Better accuracy of diagnosis and treatment
Having access to the results of the patient’s clinical studies and images, the doctor can reasonably choose the best treatment strategy. The entire volume of accumulated data of a medical institution is analyzed by the system. Results and dynamics are recorded in reports
The administration of a medical facility can use electronic workload reports to optimally adjust appointment scheduling and equipment distribution.
This helps to better manage the work of the clinic as a whole and improves its reputation due to patients satisfaction.
Enhancement in
management decisions
Significant business budget savings
Reduce paper documents costs
Process optimization
and resource management
Previously, a hospital could spend significant amounts of money on paper medical records and their storage. However, with the introduction of electronic systems, all patient data is stored in digital format, which reduces the cost of paper, printing and archival storage.
Imagine how a medical facility uses an electronic system to automate the scheduling of medical appointments and resource management. Thanks to this, the administration can effectively use personnel or medical equipment, reducing costs.
Reducing costs for medicines and equipment
For example, a hospital uses an electronic system for keeping records of medicines and equipment. This allows you to automate inventory replenishment processes, minimizing excess inventory and preventing shortages of medications or consumables.
Using a digital system, the hospital administration tracks financial flows and plans the budget. This allows you to control finances, eliminate corruption, and also identifies areas where additional expenses are required or, conversely, savings.
Improving financial transparency and control
CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES are an active part of the digital transformation of modern healthcare. Its goal is to improve the quality and accessibility of medical services and the well-coordinated and comfortable work of medical organizations.
Significant business budget savings
Существенная экономия бюджета
Сокращение расходов на бумажную документацию
Оптимизация процессов и управление ресурсами
Раньше больница могла тратить значительные средства на бумажные медицинские карты и их хранение. Однако с внедрением электронных систем все данные о пациентах хранятся в в цифровом формате, что сокращает расходы на бумагу, печать и архивное хранение.
Представьте как поликлиника использует электронную систему для автоматизации расписания врачебных приемов и управления ресурсами. Благодаря этому администрация может эффективно задействовать персонал или медицинское аппараты, сокращая расходы.
Снижение издержек на лекарства и оборудование
К примеру, стационар использует электронную систему учета запасов лекарств и оборудования. Это позволяет автоматизировать процессы пополнения запасов, минимизируя избытки на складе и предотвращая дефицит лекарств или расходных материалов.
Используя цифровую систему, администрация больницы отслеживает финансовые потоки
и планирует бюджет. Это позволяет контролировать финансы, исключает коррупцию, а также выявляет области где требуются дополнительные расходы или наоборот, экономия.
Улучшение финансовой прозрачности и контроля
Цель цифровой трансформации в сфере охраны здоровья — улучшение качества и доступности медицинских услуг и слаженная, комфортная работа медицинских организаций. «Облачные технологии» — активный участник преобразования отечественного здравоохранения.
Reduce paper documents costs
Process optimization
and resource management
Previously, a hospital could spend significant amounts of money on paper medical records and their storage. However, with the introduction of electronic systems, all patient data is stored in digital format, which reduces the cost of paper, printing and archival storage.
Imagine how a medical facility uses an electronic system to automate the scheduling of medical appointments and resource management. Thanks to this, the administration can effectively use personnel or medical equipment, reducing costs.
Reducing costs for medicines and equipment
For example, a hospital uses an electronic system for keeping records of medicines and equipment. This allows you to automate inventory replenishment processes, minimizing excess inventory and preventing shortages of medications or consumables.
Using a digital system, the hospital administration tracks financial flows and plans the budget. This allows you to control finances, eliminate corruption, and also identifies areas where additional expenses are required or, conversely, savings.
Improving financial transparency and control
CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES are an active part of the digital transformation of modern healthcare. Its goal is to improve the quality and accessibility of medical services and the well-coordinated and comfortable work of medical organizations.
Health Data Protection
Encryption and authentication systems
Strict security protocols
Patient medical information is only accessible to personnel with correct credentials. For example, through the use of passwords or biometric identification, unauthorized access to personal medical data is excluded.
Authorized users have access only to the data that is necessary for their work. Doctors may have general access to information about their patients, but nurses may only have access to certain sections of their patient records.
Physical and virtual data protection
Secure servers provide physical protection of data. Regular backup and archiving of data takes place here. Network firewalls and antivirus programs protect against external threats from the virtual world.
Digital health systems respect privacy and are subject to patient privacy laws. At the same time, they interact with the Uniform State Health Information System - a unified state information system.
Privacy and Compliance
Who benefits from digital transformation?
Health Data Protection
Encryption and authentication systems
Strict security protocols
Patient medical information is only accessible to personnel with correct credentials. For example, through the use of passwords or biometric identification, unauthorized access to personal medical data is excluded.
Authorized users have access only to the data that is necessary for their work. Doctors may have general access to information about their patients, but nurses may only have access to certain sections of their patient records.
Physical and virtual data protection
Secure servers provide physical protection of data. Regular backup and archiving of data takes place here. Network firewalls and antivirus programs protect against external threats from the virtual world.
Digital health systems respect privacy and are subject to patient privacy laws. At the same time, they interact with the Uniform State Health Information System - a unified state information system.
Privacy and Compliance
Who benefits from digital transformation?
Find out what benefits your organization or enterprise will receive through digital transformation
Effective Oversight of Transactions with Insurance Companies
High-quality treatment and utmost respect for patients
Streamlining expenses and reducing paperwork burden
Evaluating the performance metrics of medical staff
Efficient Turnaround Time for Discharge Summaries and Medical Records
сокращение ошибок при использовании стандартов
оперативность обслуживания за счет использования шаблонов и копирования
личная эффективность
Reduced Wait Times for Doctor Appointments
Legible Electronic Records in Medical Charts
Elimination of Losses in Test Results and Medical Information
Increased Focus on Patient Care
Financial Oversight of Medical Institutions
Enhancement of Medical Statistics Efficiency
Reduction of Fatalities Resulting from Medical Errors
Creation of a Database for Scientific Research
Evaluating the performance metrics of medical staff
Streamlining expenses and reducing paperwork burden
High-quality treatment and utmost respect for patients
Effective Oversight of Transactions with Insurance Companies
Efficient Turnaround Time for Discharge Summaries and Medical Records
Reduction of Errors through Standard Utilization
Prompt Servicing through Template Utilization and Copying
Performance Trends Analysis
Reduced Wait Times for Doctor Appointments
Legible Electronic Records in Medical Charts
Elimination of Losses in Test Results and Medical Information
Increased Focus on Patient Care
ОБЛАЧНЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ — активный участник цифровой трансформации сферы здравоохранения
Financial Oversight of Medical Institutions
Enhancement of Medical Statistics Efficiency
Reduction of Fatalities Resulting from Medical Errors
Creation of a Database for Scientific Research
контроль взаиморасчетов со страховыми компаниями
высокое качество лечения и уважение пациентов
сокращение расходов
и бумажной документации
оценка рабочих показателей медицинского персонала
сжатое время оформления выписок и эпикризов
сокращение ошибок при использовании стандартов
оперативность обслуживания за счет использования шаблонов и копирования
личная эффективность
снижение времени ожидания на прием к врачу
читаемые электронные записи в медицинских картах
отсутствие потерь результатов исследований и медицинской информации
больше внимания пациенту
контроль финансов медицинских учреждений
повышение эффективности медицинской статистики
сокращение летальных исходов от врачебных ошибок
формирование базы данных для научных исследований
Find out what benefits your organization or enterprise will receive through digital transformation
«Guys, they're real workaholics. Right from the first days on the job, they've shown themselves as true professionals. I mean, they don't just do their work, they're really engaged in the process. We encountered difficulties with system integration. They didn't just offer a couple of options like 'here, pick one', but thoughtfully helped us choose the one that suited us perfectly. What can I say? Well done.»

Chief physician of
Health Care Facility No. 546
Grigoriev V.P.
.......................... «Guys, they're real workaholics. Right from the first days on
.......................... the job, they've shown themselves as true professionals.
.......................... I mean, they don't just do their work, they're really engaged
.......................... in the process. We encountered difficulties with system
.......................... integration. They didn't just offer a couple of option like 'here, pick one', but thoughtfully helped us choose the one that suited us perfectly. What can I say? Well done.»

What clinic directors say:
«Implementing a new system is like performing surgery. It seems complicated - there are a lot of nuances. It evokes a sense of responsibility. It requires coordination. But much of the health of our patients depends on it: the HIS enables more accurate diagnoses (thanks to having access to complete patient information). We can track the patient's condition in real-time. Prescribe more effective treatments. The work to save lives continues...!»
Head of department of
Emergency Hospital No. 34
Legkostupova I.A.
.......................... «Implementing a new system is like performing surgery. It seems
.......................... complicated - there are a lot of nuances. It evokes a sense of
.......................... responsibility. It requires coordination. But much of the health
.......................... of our patients depends on it: the HIS enables more accurate .......................... diagnoses (thanks to having access to complete patient information). We can track the patient's condition in real-time. Prescribe more effective treatments. The work to save lives continues...!»
What clinic directors say:
«I'll be honest, at first I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about the new changes. Everything seemed to have settled into a routine. But when the clinic started using the HIS (HIS) system, my opinion changed drastically. Now, the benefits are clear - no need to spend hours filling out paperwork, you can communicate with the patient without distraction. The system is user-friendly, easy to understand. If there are any questions, the support team is always available: quick, polite, and clear.»
Doctor, State Budgetary Institution "ROCB"
Bulichenko M.G.
What doctors say:
.......................... «I'll be honest, at first I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about
.......................... the new changes. Everything seemed to have settled into
.......................... a routine. But when the clinic started using the HIS (HIS)
.......................... system, my opinion changed drastically. Now, the benefits
.......................... are clear - no need to spend hours filling out paperwork, you can communicate with the patient without distraction. The system is user-friendly, easy to understand. If there are any questions, the support team is always available: quick, polite, and clear.»
«Hello! Not long ago, we implemented a new module in our HIS. Cloud Technologies helped with its development. Surprisingly, everything went smoothly. Well, there were some hiccups, but nothing major. We implemented it, and it works. Management isn't crying over money wasted. We did it properly. We continue to update and fine-tune as needed. Everything's fine. The hospital is thriving.»
System administrator of
the State Budgetary Institution "ROCB"
Kirichenko D. V..
What system administrators say:
.......................... «Hello! Not long ago, we implemented a new module in our
.......................... HIS. Cloud Technologies helped with its development.
.......................... Surprisingly, everything went smoothly. Well, there were some
.......................... hiccups, but nothing major. We implemented it, and it works.
.......................... Management isn't crying over money wasted. We did it properly. We continue to update and fine-tune as needed. Everything's fine. The hospital is thriving.»
«As an ER technical support specialist, I'm generally pleased with everything. We've been closely collaborating with Cloud Technologies for 4 years now. They're available 24/7. They delve into issues, search for solutions, and provide expert assistance. We speak the same language. Last year, we had a seismic glitch at the center. And you know what it means for an emergency facility... But within 10 minutes, the problem was resolved. The system came back to life. We sorted it out.»
System administrator of the Federal State Budgetary Institution
Seliverstov V.P.
What system administrators say:
.......................... «As an ER technical support specialist, I'm generally pleased
.......................... with everything. We've been closely collaborating with Cloud
.......................... echnologies for 4 years now. They're available 24/7. They
.......................... delve into issues, search for solutions, and provide expert
.......................... assistance. We speak the same language. language. Last year, we had a seismic glitch at the center. And you know what it means for an emergency facility... But within 10 minutes, the problem was resolved. The system came back to life. We sorted it out.»
«At our department, the HMS IBIS has been in place for 5 years now, and it's like a well-oiled machine. All the data on expectant mothers is at our fingertips: pregnancy history, tests, ultrasounds, and so on. Document processing takes just two clicks: no paperwork, queues, or stress. All the doctors can instantly see everything about the moms and their babies. If something doesn't work out, we contact support - they help us figure it out and solve the issue. Thanks for the great work.»
Federal State Budgetary Institution Nurse
Pavlyuchenko D. P.
What nurses say:
.......................... «At our department, the HMS IBIS has been in place for 5 .......................... years now, and it's like a well-oiled machine. All the data .......................... on expectant mothers is at our fingertips: pregnancy history .......................... tests, ultrasounds, and so on. Document processing takes .......................... just two clicks: no paperwork, queues, or stress. All the doctors can instantly see everything about the moms and their babies. If something doesn't work out, we contact support - they help us figure it out and solve the issue. Thanks for the great work.»
«Seven years ago, we implemented the HIS. The result? Our medical staff walks around content. All patient data, tests, images, everything is right at hand. Fewer papers, fewer errors, fewer unnecessary expenses. I couldn’t stand before to sift through mountains of paperwork - trying to find a patient's history or hospital reports... Now, everything is right in front of me on the screen. In short, thanks to Cloud Technologies for helping in our work!»
Head of Department of health care facility No. 546
Krasilov O.M.
What clinic directors say:
.......................... «Seven years ago, we implemented the HIS. The result? Our
.......................... medical staff walks around content. All patient data, tests, .......................... images, everything is right at hand. Fewer papers, fewer errors, .......................... fewer unnecessary expenses. I couldn’t stand before to sift
.......................... through mountains of paperwork - trying to find a patient's history or hospital reports... Now, everything is right in front of me on the screen. In short, thanks to Cloud Technologies for helping in our work! »
«Once, a patient with severe depressive disorder was admitted to our department. Checking the system, I gathered all the information about her condition and past treatments. I prescribed an effective treatment. Within a few weeks, the patient felt significantly better - that's recognition for the doctors' hard work. I thank the IT team for their advanced healthcare technologies. Take care of yourselves.»
Doctor of the Psychiatric Department of the Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution
Shevchenko O.P.
What doctors say:
.......................... «Once, a patient with severe depressive disorder was admitted .......................... to our department. Checking the system, I gathered all the .......................... information about her condition and past treatments. I .......................... prescribed an effective treatment. Within a few weeks, the .......................... patient felt significantly better - that's recognition for the doctors' hard work. I thank the IT team for their advanced healthcare technologies. Take care of yourselves. »
«Here's my story for you. Recently, a well-known footballer came to our clinic for a medical examination. Let's do everything quickly... We swiftly processed all the documents, conducted all the necessary tests promptly, and issued him a certificate in the shortest time possible. The star of our football left with a smile on his face)) And we're proud of our work too. Thank you, Cloud Technologies.»
Nurse at health care facility No. 546
Karpova А.V.
What nurses say:
.......................... «Here's my story for you. Recently, a well-known footballer .......................... came to our clinic for a medical examination. Let's do
.......................... everything quickly... We swiftly processed all the .......................... documents, conducted all the necessary tests promptly,and
///////////////. issued him a certificate in the shortest time possible. The star of our football left with a smile on his face)) And we're proud of our work too. Thank you, Cloud Technologies.»
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