Healthcare Information Management Systems
Partnering to create
IT-Solutions from LLC CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES’ Team of developers for Digital Healthcare optimize business processes, improve medical services quality, and lower operational costs of medical facilities
DEVELOPMENT and implementation strategies. IT- solutions for the modern Healthcare and Medicine
years in the market of developing
agencies, management companies, sanatoriums, laboratories, pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, and emergency services.
INCLUSION into current Healthcare projects. MATURE, energetic teams of Development, Analytics, IT-infrastructure, Implementation and Support.
What are the steps involved in implementing digital healthcare solutions?
With CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES, you get over 10 years of experience and in-depth expertise in building and deploying medical information systems We are ready to become your trusted partner on this journey. Over the years, we have successfully implemented digital solutions in more than 100 medical institutions of various profiles, from small clinics to large multidisciplinary hospitals.
digital products for government
modern IT solutions
Healthcare Information Management Systems
Partnering to create
IT-Solutions from LLC CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES’ Team of developers for Digital Healthcare optimize business processes, improve medical services quality, and lower operational costs of medical facilities
DEVELOPMENT and implementation strategies. IT- solutions for the modern Healthcare and Medicine
years in the market of developing
agencies, management companies, sanatoriums, laboratories, pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, and emergency services.
INCLUSION into current Healthcare projects. MATURE, energetic teams of Development, Analytics, IT-infrastructure, Implementation and Support.
With CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES, you get over 10 years of experience and in-depth expertise in building and deploying medical information systems We are ready to become your trusted partner on this journey. Over the years, we have successfully implemented digital solutions in more than 100 medical institutions of various profiles, from small clinics to large multidisciplinary hospitals.
Информационные системы для здравоохранения
Строим вместе
IT-Решения команды разработчиков медицинских информационных систем ООО "Облачные Технологии" оптимизируют рабочие процессы, повышают качество медуслуг и снижают расходы медучреждений
Скачать бриф
Стратегия разработки
и внедрения IT-решений в сфере медицины и здравоохранения
цифровых продуктов для
ведомств, управляющих компаний, санаториев, лабораторий, аптек, больниц, поликлиник, СМП
ВКЛЮЧЕНИЕ в актуальные
проекты здравоохранения.
Зрелые команды Разработки, Аналитики, ИТ-инфраструктуры, Внедрения и Сопровождения
Что приносит
в здравоохранение цифровая трансформация:
Как многие сегодня представляют себе
систему здравоохранения? ...хаотичный процесс, длинные очереди, утерянные карты, уставшие врачи, расстроенные пациенты…
Представьте как взаимодействие всех участников здравоохранения превращается в плавный процесс, а работа медучреждений в хорошо отлаженные механизмы, где всё гармонично взаимодействует и звучит как красивая симфония. В результате - поддерживается и улучшается здоровье отдельных людей, их семей и нации в целом.
Такое преображение современного здравоохранения возможно благодаря ЦИФРОВОЙ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИИ...
Ru /
digital products for government
лет на рынке разработки
years in the market of developing
agencies, management companies, sanatoriums, laboratories, pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, and emergency services.
digital products for government
modern IT solutions
What are the steps involved in implementing digital healthcare solutions?
Сreating a solid foundation for the future system
In-depth Analysis of Medical Institution Needs
System architecture design
To accurately define the functional requirements of the future system, we conduct meetings (video calls) with management and staff, analyze existing documentation, and research best practices in your field. This ensures that the future system takes into account the specialization and specific features of your institution.
A detailed project plan is developed, outlining the system architecture and key implementation aspects. For instance, if an institution requires a laboratory system integration, this is accounted for during the design phase to ensure seamless integration. It minimizes potential disruptions and delays during the implementation phase.
Scalability and flexibility
The system is designed to accommodate future growth and development. If a hospital or medical center plans to expand, the system's architecture allows for the easy addition of new departments and divisions without significant disruptions to operations of your clinic.
Our solution considers the unique aspects of your institution. For example, preferences regarding medical record-keeping methods or procedure protocols are incorporated into the system, ensuring a perfect fit with the habits and expectations of all future MIS users.
Productive collaboration
Сreating a solid foundation for the future system
Больше внимания пациентам
Улучшение доступа
к медицинской информации
Эффективный процесс документации и отчетности
Представьте, как медсестра скорой помощи мгновенно получает доступ к медицинской истории пациента, его/её аллергиям, реакциям на лекарства, в электронной медицинской карте.
Не отвлекаясь на поиск бумажных документов, она может быстро принимать решения и начинать неотложное лечение.
Врач в стационаре может легко внести изменения в план лечения пациента в электронном журнале, обеспечивая актуальность информации для всего медицинского персонала.
Это предотвращает недопонимание и ошибки в передаче информации между врачами и медсестрами.
Повышение координации
и коммуникации
Врачи разных профилей
и медсестры могут легко обмениваться важной информацией о пациенте
и координировать совместную стратегию лечения.
Медицинская система может уведомлять о необходимости проведения медицинских процедур или лекарственных назначений.
К примеру, медсестра может использовать медицинскую информационную систему для контроля дозировки лекарств и получать индикацию состояния пациента. Врач, при выборе курса лечения может использовать автоматические стандарты лечения, основанные на лучших практиках.
Снижение риска ошибок и повышение ответственности
In-depth Analysis of Medical Institution Needs
System architecture design
To accurately define the functional requirements of the future system, we conduct meetings (video calls) with management and staff, analyze existing documentation, and research best practices in your field. This ensures that the future system takes into account the specialization and specific features of your institution.
A detailed project plan is developed, outlining the system architecture and key implementation aspects. For instance, if an institution requires a laboratory system integration, this is accounted for during the design phase to ensure seamless integration. It minimizes potential disruptions and delays during the implementation phase.
Scalability and flexibility
The system is designed to accommodate future growth and development. If a hospital or medical center plans to expand, the system's architecture allows for the easy addition of new departments and divisions without significant disruptions to operations of your clinic.
Our solution considers the unique aspects of your institution. For example, preferences regarding medical record-keeping methods or procedure protocols are incorporated into the system, ensuring a perfect fit with the habits and expectations of all future MIS users.
Productive collaboration
Protecting data. Ensuring user comfort and seamless collaboration.
High level of security
Intuitive interface
High-level security is ensured through the use of state-of-the-art encryption technologies such as AES and TLS to protect data at all stages of system operation. For instance, the transmission of medical data between the server and client is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.
A streamlined interface is designed to optimize user experience. For doctors who frequently use electronic patient records, the system provides rapid access to medical histories and test results, streamlining workflows and improving efficiency.
Multi-stage testing
The system undergoes rigorous testing under conditions that closely simulate real-world scenarios. For example, we model high-load scenarios during peak clinic hours to ensure the system can withstand stressful situations without failures.
Each stage of development and testing undergoes strict quality assurance. Automated vulnerability testing of the code and manual testing of the interface are conducted to guarantee the system's security and user-friendliness for all users.
Rigorous system quality control
Protecting data. Ensuring user comfort and seamless collaboration.
Улучшение показателей клиники
Оптимизация административных процессов
Улучшение координации
между учреждениями
Вместо того, чтобы тратить время на ручное заполнение бумажных форм, медицинский персонал может использовать электронные системы для записи информации о пациентах. Это освобождает время для заботы о нуждах пациента и повышает скорость работы всей больницы.
Например, если пациент переводится по отделениям стационара, благодаря электронной системе, его данные автоматически доступны всем отделениям. Исключается потеря документов и сведений в них. Также автоматически вносятся данные страховых компаний.
Повышение точности диагностики и лечения
Имея доступ к результатам клинических исследований пациента, снимкам врач обоснованно выбирает наилучшую стратегию лечения. Весь объем накопленных данных медучреждения анализируется системой. Результаты и динамика фиксируются в отчетах.
Администрация медучреждения может использовать электронные отчеты о загруженности для оптимальной настройки приема в расписании и распределения оборудования. Это помогает лучше управлять работой клиники в целом и поднимает ее репутацию.
управленческих решений
High level of security
Intuitive interface
High-level security is ensured through the use of state-of-the-art encryption technologies such as AES and TLS to protect data at all stages of system operation. For instance, the transmission of medical data between the server and client is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.
A streamlined interface is designed to optimize user experience. For doctors who frequently use electronic patient records, the system provides rapid access to medical histories and test results, streamlining workflows and improving efficiency.
Multi-stage testing
The system undergoes rigorous testing under conditions that closely simulate real-world scenarios. For example, we model high-load scenarios during peak clinic hours to ensure the system can withstand stressful situations without failures.
Each stage of development and testing undergoes strict quality assurance. Automated vulnerability testing of the code and manual testing of the interface are conducted to guarantee the system's security and user-friendliness for all users.
Rigorous system quality control
Always connected - support throughout the entire IT implementation process.
Comprehensive Implementation
Customer personnel training
The system is implemented with meticulous attention to detail to ensure a flawless project execution. When implementing a system in a multi-profile clinic, for instance, the process is divided into stages to avoid disruptions and minimize risks associated with transitioning to a new platform.
Trainings and webinars are organized to ensure that employees can quickly master new tools. For instance, when implementing a new appointment scheduling system with innovative approaches, all doctors and administrators undergo training to acquire solid skills in using the new tools.
Ongoing support 24/7
We provide comprehensive support to ensure a smooth transition to the new system. Our team is always on hand to assist with any questions or issues that may arise during integration, guaranteeing that staff can continue their work without interruption.
After system implementation, ongoing support and consulting services are provided. In the first few months following the launch of the MIS, technical specialists conduct regular checks and consultations to ensure a smooth transition and user comfort in the new environment.
Post-implementation support.
Always connected - support throughout the entire IT implementation process.
Всегда на связи - поддержка на всех этапах внедрения IT-решения
Улучшение доступа
к медицинской информации
Эффективный процесс документации и отчетности
Представьте, как медсестра скорой помощи мгновенно получает доступ к медицинской истории пациента, его/её аллергиям, реакциям на лекарства, в электронной медицинской карте.
Не отвлекаясь на поиск бумажных документов, она может быстро принимать решения и начинать неотложное лечение.
Врач в стационаре может легко внести изменения в план лечения пациента в электронном журнале, обеспечивая актуальность информации для всего медицинского персонала.
Это предотвращает недопонимание и ошибки в передаче информации между врачами и медсестрами.
Повышение координации
и коммуникации
Врачи разных профилей
и медсестры могут легко обмениваться важной информацией о пациенте
и координировать совместную стратегию лечения.
Медицинская система может уведомлять о необходимости проведения медицинских процедур или лекарственных назначений.
К примеру, медсестра может использовать медицинскую информационную систему для контроля дозировки лекарств и получать индикацию состояния пациента. Врач, при выборе курса лечения может использовать автоматические стандарты лечения, основанные на лучших практиках.
Снижение риска ошибок и повышение ответственности
Comprehensive Implementation
Customer personnel training
The system is implemented with meticulous attention to detail to ensure a flawless project execution. When implementing a system in a multi-profile clinic, for instance, the process is divided into stages to avoid disruptions and minimize risks associated with transitioning to a new platform.
Trainings and webinars are organized to ensure that employees can quickly master new tools. For instance, when implementing a new appointment scheduling system with innovative approaches, all doctors and administrators undergo training to acquire solid skills in using the new tools.
Ongoing support 24/7
We provide comprehensive support to ensure a smooth transition to the new system. Our team is always on hand to assist with any questions or issues that may arise during integration, guaranteeing that staff can continue their work without interruption.
After system implementation, ongoing support and consulting services are provided. In the first few months following the launch of the MIS, technical specialists conduct regular checks and consultations to ensure a smooth transition and user comfort in the new environment.
Post-implementation support.
CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES - actively participates in digital transformation of today’s Healthcare with clear objective: improving the quality and accessibility of medical cervices for patients; comfortable, coordinated workflow for medical institutions
You'll always have the latest features with our regular updates
Regular updates and new features
Customization for clinic’s needs
The system undergoes regular updates to enhance security and introduce new functionalities. When new healthcare standards are introduced by government regulators, updates automatically align the system, ensuring it remains up-to-date and compliant.
The new system can easily adapt to changes within the organization. If a medical institution opens new departments or introduces new services, the system can scale and add corresponding modules, allowing for the management of all processes from a unified interface
System's benefits and usability
Adding new features increases the efficiency and value of your platform. Implementing data analytics tools, for example, helps clinics improve patient service quality, reduce diagnosis time, and increase overall facility productivity.
Systems evolve in line with the latest trends and innovations in the field of MIS. The prospect of integration with artificial intelligence systems in the future will enable medical personnel to make exceptionally accurate decisions based on an integrated analysis of medical data.
Constant development
You'll always have the latest features with our regular updates
You'll always have the latest features with our regular updates
Оптимизация административных процессов
Улучшение координации
между учреждениями
Вместо того, чтобы тратить время на ручное заполнение бумажных форм, медицинский персонал может использовать электронные системы для записи информации о пациентах. Это освобождает время для заботы о нуждах пациента и повышает скорость работы всей больницы.
Например, если пациент переводится по отделениям стационара, благодаря электронной системе, его данные автоматически доступны всем отделениям. Исключается потеря документов и сведений в них. Также автоматически вносятся данные страховых компаний.
Повышение точности диагностики и лечения
Имея доступ к результатам клинических исследований пациента, снимкам врач обоснованно выбирает наилучшую стратегию лечения. Весь объем накопленных данных медучреждения анализируется системой. Результаты и динамика фиксируются в отчетах.
Администрация медучреждения может использовать электронные отчеты о загруженности для оптимальной настройки приема в расписании и распределения оборудования. Это помогает лучше управлять работой клиники в целом и поднимает ее репутацию.
управленческих решений
Regular updates and new features
Customization for clinic’s needs
The system undergoes regular updates to enhance security and introduce new functionalities. When new healthcare standards are introduced by government regulators, updates automatically align the system, ensuring it remains up-to-date and compliant.
The new system can easily adapt to changes within the organization. If a medical institution opens new departments or introduces new services, the system can scale and add corresponding modules, allowing for the management of all processes from a unified interface
System's benefits and usability
Adding new features increases the efficiency and value of your platform. Implementing data analytics tools, for example, helps clinics improve patient service quality, reduce diagnosis time, and increase overall facility productivity.
Systems evolve in line with the latest trends and innovations in the field of MIS. The prospect of integration with artificial intelligence systems in the future will enable medical personnel to make exceptionally accurate decisions based on an integrated analysis of medical data.
Constant development
7 Frequently Askеed Questions about
Creating/Implementing a Medical Information System
What are the benefits of implementing the system?
  • Better patient care: With improved access to patient data, coordinated care, and better decision support, we can provide higher quality care.
  • Greater efficiency: By automating routine tasks and optimizing workflows, we can work smarter, not harder.
  • Lower costs: Less paperwork, optimized resource use, and fewer errors mean lower costs for everyone.
What to consider when developing an EHR system for a medical institution?
  • Evaluate functionality: The EHR system should encompass all functions necessary for your clinic, from electronic health records to scheduling and laboratory management. Pay attention to additional modules such as telemedicine, data analytics, and integration with other systems.
  • Consider scalability: Choose a system that can grow with your clinic. It should be able to adapt to increasing patient numbers, new services, and staff expansion.
  • Focus on user interface: A simple and intuitive interface will significantly simplify the implementation process and increase the efficiency of medical staff. Ensure that the system is easy to learn and does not require a lengthy adaptation period.
What to consider when developing an EHR system for a medical institution?
  • Project scale: A smaller, privately-owned clinic will typically require less time to implement an MIS compared to a large, public hospital with numerous branches.
  • Integration complexity: The complexity of integrating the MIS with existing information systems within the clinic can significantly impact the overall implementation timeline.
  • Staff readiness: The rate at which staff can be trained and adapt to the new system is a critical factor in determining the overall implementation timeframe.
How to prepare medical institution staff to work with new EHR system?
  • Develop a detailed training plan: It should include a theoretical part where employees will familiarize themselves with the system's functionality and a practical part where they can practice all necessary actions on real data.
  • Provide an individual approach: Not all employees have the same computer literacy. Therefore, it is important to develop several training levels so that each employee can master the system according to their abilities.
  • Create a comfortable learning environment: Organize special trainings, webinars, or workshops where employees can ask any questions and get support from colleagues and specialists.
What are the main risks when implementing EHR system?
  • Staff resistance: Not all employees may be ready to transition to a new system. Resistance to change can slow down the implementation process and reduce work efficiency.
  • Technical issues: System failures, integration problems with other information systems, and data security concerns may arise.
  • Financial risks: Implementing an EHR system requires significant financial investment, both for developing/purchasing the system and for staff training and support. Ineffective budget planning can lead to additional costs.
What is the cost of implementing EHR system?
  • License Cost: The cost of licensing the medical information system (MIS) software is influenced by factors such as the size of the healthcare organization, the number of users, and the specific features required. Costs can range from a few thousand to millions of rubles.
  • Implementation Costs: Beyond the software license, significant expenditures are incurred during the implementation phase. These include installation, configuration, integration with existing medical devices, and comprehensive staff training. Such costs often represent a substantial portion of the total project budget.
  • Maintenance Costs: Ongoing operational expenses are associated with the MIS, including technical support, regular software updates, and potential acquisition of additional modules to enhance system functionality.
How to ensure the security of patient data in the MIS?
  • Technical measures: Robust encryption systems should be implemented for both data transmission and storage. Regular software updates and security audits are essential. Additionally, access to data should be restricted to authorized users on a need-to-know basis.
  • Organizational measures: Clear security policies and data handling procedures must be developed. Employees should undergo regular information security training. Access control systems and detailed user activity logs should also be in place.
  • Legal measures: All applicable data protection laws and regulations must be adhered to. This includes data base registration, notification to the relevant regulatory authority (e.g., Roskomnadzor in Russia), and obtaining patient consent for data processing.
«Guys, they're real workaholics. Right from the first days on the job, they've shown themselves as true professionals. I mean, they don't just do their work, they're really engaged in the process. We encountered difficulties with system integration. They didn't just offer a couple of options like 'here, pick one', but thoughtfully helped us choose the one that suited us perfectly. What can I say? Well done.»

Chief physician of
Health Care Facility No. 546
Grigoriev V.P.
.......................... «Guys, they're real workaholics. Right from the first days on
.......................... the job, they've shown themselves as true professionals.
.......................... I mean, they don't just do their work, they're really engaged
.......................... in the process. We encountered difficulties with system
.......................... integration. They didn't just offer a couple of option like 'here, pick one', but thoughtfully helped us choose the one that suited us perfectly. What can I say? Well done.»

What clinic directors say:
«Implementing a new system is like performing surgery. It seems complicated - there are a lot of nuances. It evokes a sense of responsibility. It requires coordination. But much of the health of our patients depends on it: the HIS enables more accurate diagnoses (thanks to having access to complete patient information). We can track the patient's condition in real-time. Prescribe more effective treatments. The work to save lives continues...!»
Head of department of
Emergency Hospital No. 34
Legkostupova I.A.
.......................... «Implementing a new system is like performing surgery. It seems
.......................... complicated - there are a lot of nuances. It evokes a sense of
.......................... responsibility. It requires coordination. But much of the health
.......................... of our patients depends on it: the HIS enables more accurate .......................... diagnoses (thanks to having access to complete patient information). We can track the patient's condition in real-time. Prescribe more effective treatments. The work to save lives continues...!»
What clinic directors say:
«I'll be honest, at first I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about the new changes. Everything seemed to have settled into a routine. But when the clinic started using the HIS (HIS) system, my opinion changed drastically. Now, the benefits are clear - no need to spend hours filling out paperwork, you can communicate with the patient without distraction. The system is user-friendly, easy to understand. If there are any questions, the support team is always available: quick, polite, and clear.»
Doctor, State Budgetary Institution "ROCB"
Bulichenko M.G.
What doctors say:
.......................... «I'll be honest, at first I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about
.......................... the new changes. Everything seemed to have settled into
.......................... a routine. But when the clinic started using the HIS (HIS)
.......................... system, my opinion changed drastically. Now, the benefits
.......................... are clear - no need to spend hours filling out paperwork, you can communicate with the patient without distraction. The system is user-friendly, easy to understand. If there are any questions, the support team is always available: quick, polite, and clear.»
«Hello! Not long ago, we implemented a new module in our HIS. Cloud Technologies helped with its development. Surprisingly, everything went smoothly. Well, there were some hiccups, but nothing major. We implemented it, and it works. Management isn't crying over money wasted. We did it properly. We continue to update and fine-tune as needed. Everything's fine. The hospital is thriving.»
System administrator of
the State Budgetary Institution "ROCB"
Kirichenko D. V..
What system administrators say:
.......................... «Hello! Not long ago, we implemented a new module in our
.......................... HIS. Cloud Technologies helped with its development.
.......................... Surprisingly, everything went smoothly. Well, there were some
.......................... hiccups, but nothing major. We implemented it, and it works.
.......................... Management isn't crying over money wasted. We did it properly. We continue to update and fine-tune as needed. Everything's fine. The hospital is thriving.»
«As an ER technical support specialist, I'm generally pleased with everything. We've been closely collaborating with Cloud Technologies for 4 years now. They're available 24/7. They delve into issues, search for solutions, and provide expert assistance. We speak the same language. Last year, we had a seismic glitch at the center. And you know what it means for an emergency facility... But within 10 minutes, the problem was resolved. The system came back to life. We sorted it out.»
System administrator of the Federal State Budgetary Institution
Seliverstov V.P.
What system administrators say:
.......................... «As an ER technical support specialist, I'm generally pleased
.......................... with everything. We've been closely collaborating with Cloud
.......................... echnologies for 4 years now. They're available 24/7. They
.......................... delve into issues, search for solutions, and provide expert
.......................... assistance. We speak the same language. language. Last year, we had a seismic glitch at the center. And you know what it means for an emergency facility... But within 10 minutes, the problem was resolved. The system came back to life. We sorted it out.»
«At our department, the HMS IBIS has been in place for 5 years now, and it's like a well-oiled machine. All the data on expectant mothers is at our fingertips: pregnancy history, tests, ultrasounds, and so on. Document processing takes just two clicks: no paperwork, queues, or stress. All the doctors can instantly see everything about the moms and their babies. If something doesn't work out, we contact support - they help us figure it out and solve the issue. Thanks for the great work.»
Federal State Budgetary Institution Nurse
Pavlyuchenko D. P.
What nurses say:
.......................... «At our department, the HMS IBIS has been in place for 5 .......................... years now, and it's like a well-oiled machine. All the data .......................... on expectant mothers is at our fingertips: pregnancy history .......................... tests, ultrasounds, and so on. Document processing takes .......................... just two clicks: no paperwork, queues, or stress. All the doctors can instantly see everything about the moms and their babies. If something doesn't work out, we contact support - they help us figure it out and solve the issue. Thanks for the great work.»
«Seven years ago, we implemented the HIS. The result? Our medical staff walks around content. All patient data, tests, images, everything is right at hand. Fewer papers, fewer errors, fewer unnecessary expenses. I couldn’t stand before to sift through mountains of paperwork - trying to find a patient's history or hospital reports... Now, everything is right in front of me on the screen. In short, thanks to Cloud Technologies for helping in our work!»
Head of Department of health care facility No. 546
Krasilov O.M.
What clinic directors say:
.......................... «Seven years ago, we implemented the HIS. The result? Our
.......................... medical staff walks around content. All patient data, tests, .......................... images, everything is right at hand. Fewer papers, fewer errors, .......................... fewer unnecessary expenses. I couldn’t stand before to sift
.......................... through mountains of paperwork - trying to find a patient's history or hospital reports... Now, everything is right in front of me on the screen. In short, thanks to Cloud Technologies for helping in our work! »
«Once, a patient with severe depressive disorder was admitted to our department. Checking the system, I gathered all the information about her condition and past treatments. I prescribed an effective treatment. Within a few weeks, the patient felt significantly better - that's recognition for the doctors' hard work. I thank the IT team for their advanced healthcare technologies. Take care of yourselves.»
Doctor of the Psychiatric Department of the Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution
Shevchenko O.P.
What doctors say:
.......................... «Once, a patient with severe depressive disorder was admitted .......................... to our department. Checking the system, I gathered all the .......................... information about her condition and past treatments. I .......................... prescribed an effective treatment. Within a few weeks, the .......................... patient felt significantly better - that's recognition for the doctors' hard work. I thank the IT team for their advanced healthcare technologies. Take care of yourselves. »
«Here's my story for you. Recently, a well-known footballer came to our clinic for a medical examination. Let's do everything quickly... We swiftly processed all the documents, conducted all the necessary tests promptly, and issued him a certificate in the shortest time possible. The star of our football left with a smile on his face)) And we're proud of our work too. Thank you, Cloud Technologies.»
Nurse at health care facility No. 546
Karpova А.V.
What nurses say:
.......................... «Here's my story for you. Recently, a well-known footballer .......................... came to our clinic for a medical examination. Let's do
.......................... everything quickly... We swiftly processed all the .......................... documents, conducted all the necessary tests promptly,and
///////////////. issued him a certificate in the shortest time possible. The star of our football left with a smile on his face)) And we're proud of our work too. Thank you, Cloud Technologies.»
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