Responsible approach in Digital Healthcare
IT-Solutions from LLC CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES’ Team of developers for Digital Healthcare optimize business processes, improve medical services quality, and lower operational costs of medical facilities
A secure
and trusted medical data platform
Functional. Affordable. Secure.
Serving medical facility's needs

and compatible
and simple
With High Data Security Standard
Responsible approach in Digital Healthcare
IT-Solutions from LLC CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES’ Team of developers for Digital Healthcare optimize business processes, improve medical services quality, and lower operational costs of medical facilities
Functional. Affordable. Secure.
Ru /
Serving medical facility's needs
and compatible
and simple
With High Data Security Standard
A secure and trusted medical data platform
The IBIS MED System is designed to integrate with various external systems and equipment. This makes it an ideal solution for medical institutions that use a variety of tools and platforms in their work. The system supports data exchange with state information systems such as EGISZ and FOMS, simplifying the reporting process and interaction with healthcare authorities.
  • Enables data exchange using industry standards, including HL7 and DICOM.
  • Can be integrated with laboratory and diagnostic devices.
  • Offers connectivity to telemedicine platforms.
  • Supports a broad range of medical devices.
The IBIS MED System is equipped with decision support tools that assist medical personnel in diagnosis and selecting optimal treatment methods. These tools include prompts based on clinical data, automatic detection of anomalies in test results, and recommendations for prescribing medication
  • Automatic alerts about critical changes in a patient's condition
  • Clinical protocol suggestions based on up-to-date data
  • Built-in reminder system for medical staff
  • Support for multidisciplinary medical consultations.
The implementation and operation of the IBIS MED System are accompanied by a full range of technical support and user training services. This ensures that the medical institution can quickly adapt to working with the system, and any problems that arise will be promptly resolved by qualified specialists.
  • 24/7 technical support
  • Regular system updates with new features and improvements
  • Training programs and webinars for staff
  • Individual consultations on setup and operation.
CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES - actively participates in digital transformation of today’s Healthcare with clear objective: improving the quality and accessibility of medical cervices for patients; comfortable, coordinated workflow for medical institutions
How the
cares for people's health:
When the 20... pandemic swept the globe, many families faced unprecedented challenges. Alina's family, always known for their robust health, found themselves at the epicenter of these unsettling events. During this difficult time, the electronic medical system IBIS MED became their reliable ally, providing quality healthcare in conditions of limited contact.
IBIS MED comes to Alina's aid: The Story of One Family...
Maintaining an Electronic Health Record (EHR):
A complete health picture
From the onset of Alina's illness, all information about her condition, from the initial symptoms to the results of her tests, was meticulously recorded in her electronic health record. This enabled doctors, even when they were far away, to respond promptly to changes in her condition. When Dr. Nikitina, Alina's attending physician, was unable to examine the patient in person, IBIS provided her with all the necessary information. For instance, knowing about Alina's previous allergic reaction to penicillin helped the doctor select a safe treatment and avoid dangerous complications.
IBIS MED Emergency Medical Aid Module:
Quick and accurate assistance
When Alina's condition worsened and an ambulance was needed, IBIS once again came to the rescue. The EMS module allowed the ambulance crew to instantly access her full medical history, current medications, and allergies. This not only reduced the time needed to make decisions but also ensured safe and accurate treatment. Thanks to the information from IBIS, the paramedics who arrived on the scene were able to stabilize Alina's condition in time and prevent further deterioration.
Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring:
24/7 Patient Care
After Alina's hospitalization, her vital signs were monitored using sensors that sent data to the IBIS system in real-time. Doctors watched over her condition around the clock, ready to respond instantly to any changes. One night, Alina's blood oxygen level dropped sharply, but the IBIS system immediately alerted the doctor on duty. Thanks to the swift actions of Dr. Semyonov, serious consequences were avoided, and the treatment was adjusted in a matter of minutes.
Prescribing Module: Safety and Accuracy
of Appointments
When Alina needed medication, the IBIS prescribing module took on the task of checking drug compatibility and calculating dosages. This not only guaranteed the safety of treatment but also helped to avoid errors. For example, when prescribing a new antibiotic, the system automatically analyzed its interaction with other medications, which helped to prevent possible side effects and complications.
Analyti cs Module: Forecasting and Personalized Treatment
The IBIS analytics module allowed doctors to delve deeper into Alina's condition, uncovering significant patterns. By utilizing data from other patients, doctors were able to predict potential complications and tailor treatment to Alina's specific needs. The prediction of pneumonia risk enabled the timely initiation of preventative treatment, helping to avoid serious consequences..
The IBIS MED digital platform is just one of the solutions developed by CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES. The company is involved in many other significant projects with various partners across the country and abroad. We have implemented dozens of large and medium-sized IT projects for healthcare institutions and management companies.
«Guys, they're real workaholics. Right from the first days on the job, they've shown themselves as true professionals. I mean, they don't just do their work, they're really engaged in the process. We encountered difficulties with system integration. They didn't just offer a couple of options like 'here, pick one', but thoughtfully helped us choose the one that suited us perfectly. What can I say? Well done.»

Chief physician of
Health Care Facility No. 546
Grigoriev V.P.
.......................... «Guys, they're real workaholics. Right from the first days on
.......................... the job, they've shown themselves as true professionals.
.......................... I mean, they don't just do their work, they're really engaged
.......................... in the process. We encountered difficulties with system
.......................... integration. They didn't just offer a couple of option like 'here, pick one', but thoughtfully helped us choose the one that suited us perfectly. What can I say? Well done.»

What clinic directors say:
«Implementing a new system is like performing surgery. It seems complicated - there are a lot of nuances. It evokes a sense of responsibility. It requires coordination. But much of the health of our patients depends on it: the HIS enables more accurate diagnoses (thanks to having access to complete patient information). We can track the patient's condition in real-time. Prescribe more effective treatments. The work to save lives continues...!»
Head of department of
Emergency Hospital No. 34
Legkostupova I.A.
.......................... «Implementing a new system is like performing surgery. It seems
.......................... complicated - there are a lot of nuances. It evokes a sense of
.......................... responsibility. It requires coordination. But much of the health
.......................... of our patients depends on it: the HIS enables more accurate .......................... diagnoses (thanks to having access to complete patient information). We can track the patient's condition in real-time. Prescribe more effective treatments. The work to save lives continues...!»
What clinic directors say:
«I'll be honest, at first I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about the new changes. Everything seemed to have settled into a routine. But when the clinic started using the HIS (HIS) system, my opinion changed drastically. Now, the benefits are clear - no need to spend hours filling out paperwork, you can communicate with the patient without distraction. The system is user-friendly, easy to understand. If there are any questions, the support team is always available: quick, polite, and clear.»
Doctor, State Budgetary Institution "ROCB"
Bulichenko M.G.
What doctors say:
.......................... «I'll be honest, at first I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about
.......................... the new changes. Everything seemed to have settled into
.......................... a routine. But when the clinic started using the HIS (HIS)
.......................... system, my opinion changed drastically. Now, the benefits
.......................... are clear - no need to spend hours filling out paperwork, you can communicate with the patient without distraction. The system is user-friendly, easy to understand. If there are any questions, the support team is always available: quick, polite, and clear.»
«Hello! Not long ago, we implemented a new module in our HIS. Cloud Technologies helped with its development. Surprisingly, everything went smoothly. Well, there were some hiccups, but nothing major. We implemented it, and it works. Management isn't crying over money wasted. We did it properly. We continue to update and fine-tune as needed. Everything's fine. The hospital is thriving.»
System administrator of
the State Budgetary Institution "ROCB"
Kirichenko D. V..
What system administrators say:
.......................... «Hello! Not long ago, we implemented a new module in our
.......................... HIS. Cloud Technologies helped with its development.
.......................... Surprisingly, everything went smoothly. Well, there were some
.......................... hiccups, but nothing major. We implemented it, and it works.
.......................... Management isn't crying over money wasted. We did it properly. We continue to update and fine-tune as needed. Everything's fine. The hospital is thriving.»
«As an ER technical support specialist, I'm generally pleased with everything. We've been closely collaborating with Cloud Technologies for 4 years now. They're available 24/7. They delve into issues, search for solutions, and provide expert assistance. We speak the same language. Last year, we had a seismic glitch at the center. And you know what it means for an emergency facility... But within 10 minutes, the problem was resolved. The system came back to life. We sorted it out.»
System administrator of the Federal State Budgetary Institution
Seliverstov V.P.
What system administrators say:
.......................... «As an ER technical support specialist, I'm generally pleased
.......................... with everything. We've been closely collaborating with Cloud
.......................... echnologies for 4 years now. They're available 24/7. They
.......................... delve into issues, search for solutions, and provide expert
.......................... assistance. We speak the same language. language. Last year, we had a seismic glitch at the center. And you know what it means for an emergency facility... But within 10 minutes, the problem was resolved. The system came back to life. We sorted it out.»
«At our department, the HMS IBIS has been in place for 5 years now, and it's like a well-oiled machine. All the data on expectant mothers is at our fingertips: pregnancy history, tests, ultrasounds, and so on. Document processing takes just two clicks: no paperwork, queues, or stress. All the doctors can instantly see everything about the moms and their babies. If something doesn't work out, we contact support - they help us figure it out and solve the issue. Thanks for the great work.»
Federal State Budgetary Institution Nurse
Pavlyuchenko D. P.
What nurses say:
.......................... «At our department, the HMS IBIS has been in place for 5 .......................... years now, and it's like a well-oiled machine. All the data .......................... on expectant mothers is at our fingertips: pregnancy history .......................... tests, ultrasounds, and so on. Document processing takes .......................... just two clicks: no paperwork, queues, or stress. All the doctors can instantly see everything about the moms and their babies. If something doesn't work out, we contact support - they help us figure it out and solve the issue. Thanks for the great work.»
«Seven years ago, we implemented the HIS. The result? Our medical staff walks around content. All patient data, tests, images, everything is right at hand. Fewer papers, fewer errors, fewer unnecessary expenses. I couldn’t stand before to sift through mountains of paperwork - trying to find a patient's history or hospital reports... Now, everything is right in front of me on the screen. In short, thanks to Cloud Technologies for helping in our work!»
Head of Department of health care facility No. 546
Krasilov O.M.
What clinic directors say:
.......................... «Seven years ago, we implemented the HIS. The result? Our
.......................... medical staff walks around content. All patient data, tests, .......................... images, everything is right at hand. Fewer papers, fewer errors, .......................... fewer unnecessary expenses. I couldn’t stand before to sift
.......................... through mountains of paperwork - trying to find a patient's history or hospital reports... Now, everything is right in front of me on the screen. In short, thanks to Cloud Technologies for helping in our work! »
«Once, a patient with severe depressive disorder was admitted to our department. Checking the system, I gathered all the information about her condition and past treatments. I prescribed an effective treatment. Within a few weeks, the patient felt significantly better - that's recognition for the doctors' hard work. I thank the IT team for their advanced healthcare technologies. Take care of yourselves.»
Doctor of the Psychiatric Department of the Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution
Shevchenko O.P.
What doctors say:
.......................... «Once, a patient with severe depressive disorder was admitted .......................... to our department. Checking the system, I gathered all the .......................... information about her condition and past treatments. I .......................... prescribed an effective treatment. Within a few weeks, the .......................... patient felt significantly better - that's recognition for the doctors' hard work. I thank the IT team for their advanced healthcare technologies. Take care of yourselves. »
«Here's my story for you. Recently, a well-known footballer came to our clinic for a medical examination. Let's do everything quickly... We swiftly processed all the documents, conducted all the necessary tests promptly, and issued him a certificate in the shortest time possible. The star of our football left with a smile on his face)) And we're proud of our work too. Thank you, Cloud Technologies.»
Nurse at health care facility No. 546
Karpova А.V.
What nurses say:
.......................... «Here's my story for you. Recently, a well-known footballer .......................... came to our clinic for a medical examination. Let's do
.......................... everything quickly... We swiftly processed all the .......................... documents, conducted all the necessary tests promptly,and
///////////////. issued him a certificate in the shortest time possible. The star of our football left with a smile on his face)) And we're proud of our work too. Thank you, Cloud Technologies.»
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MRI and PET can soon be replaced: what kind of development...
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IT-Solutions from LLC CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES’ Team of developers for Digital Healthcare optimize business processes, improve medical services quality, and lower operational costs of medical facilities
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